Dear Friend,
There are people living an entirely different experience of life.
What would it feel like to be able to know you were giving your woman the best orgasms she could have, both physically and emotionally?
Orgasms like nothing she’d ever experienced with anyone before… so good that they left her weak yet totally satiated, thinking you are by far and away the single best lover in her world?
What if you could predictably and reliably deliver her into a state of liquid sensation as you coax multiple, ejaculatory orgasms out of her whenever she wants? And, now that you have these techniques, she wants, oh, she wants it all the time.
I’d like you to imagine how it would feel to no longer worry that she might be thinking, “I wish you could make me have orgasms like that badboy I dated once, who made me come, over and over again until there was a huge wet spot on the bed.”
How long have you been vowing to step up your sex life and yet secretly believing it might be hopeless?
How different would your life be if your woman was eager to have sex with you?
Now… I’d like you to imagine how it would feel when you approach her with a sense of cock-sure confidence, because you have the techniques and the process that brings any woman to her most heightened orgasmic state possible — the ULTIMATE orgasm. And once she let’s you practice this new skill, she becomes a bit “addicted” to the feelings you’re creating for her.
So much so that you two experience what could only be called a sexual reawakening.
And I’d also like you to imagine having a total blast when you two have sex from now on… she’s prancing around the house in lingerie, begging for you to hurry and put your hands on her so she can totally surrender to the most amazing sensations and liquid release, from deep within.
I know all about the frustrations of men who want more sex than their women. “You just have a bigger sex drive than I do.” “Why do you want it all the time?” “Can’t you leave me alone for once?”
The truth is, if you’re feeling demoralized by your relationship to your woman sexually… odds are that trying to beg, cajole or guilt your way into it won’t work.
In fact, trying to talk your way into bed with her is NOT the answer.
Getting A White Hot Sex Life
Instead of focusing on you making love to her, keep your manhood in your pants and learn how to lay your hands on her beautiful feminine parts and coax her into the world’s most amazing orgasms.
There is something absolutely magical for a woman when you put concentrated focus on massaging her G-Spot.
Sure, it gives her great orgasms, oh yeah.
But it does something more.
Something almost healing, releasing, other-worldly.
Put in your time stroking her…
Then see what happens.
Really, it’s about first filling her up, before you can fill her with you.
Get it?
And did you know there are at least 7 kinds of orgasms: vaginal, clitoral, G-Spot, cervical, anal, full-body, and energetic.
There are also blended orgasms, like G-Spot/Clitoral, and endless combinations.
If you’re focusing primarily on her clitoris, then you are leaving a lot of pleasure on the table, my man.
The women I know who have ejaculatory orgasms say those specific orgasms feel 1,000 times better than any of their clitoral orgasms.
Are you giving your woman the ULTIMATE orgasm?
After teaching workshop after workshop to couples who wanted to learn how to help her ejaculate, I got feedback that the techniques I was teaching took their whole sex lives to a new level.
The specific stroke patterns and detailed anatomy I present, along with the practices I give, not only train any woman to have squirting orgasms, it’s like I awaken her whole pussy to a new and profound level of pleasure that reaches its happy tentacles into all the areas of her life.
I got busy adapting the basic structure of teaching female ejaculation techniques to a step-by-step plan that works on any woman to take her further in her orgasm than she’s ever gone before.
But that’s not all… as it turns out, this system will also allow her to literally upgrade her pleasure center, expanding her neural networks so she can feel even more sensation every time she gets turned on.
After a while, she can enjoy a confidence in your lovemaking, knowing that her body will automatically become more turned on than it ever has before. This comes from the stroke patterns and practices I share with you.
Female Liquid Orgasm is the advanced system of strokes and communication techniques I perfected in my female ejaculation workshops. This knowledge and these practices can change her body (and your moods & relationship) for good.
Here we go…
What I found is that there are three essential steps that appeal to her on an emotional, mental and physical level. When you engage her sexually on ALL three levels, you will stand out as a superior lover and can take her to places she’s NEVER been before.
Things probably would be different for you right now if you’d been able to dial in these techniques on your own or with existing information.
You COULD have done something about it… if you were convinced that you wouldn’t be whaling away on her, all thumbs, touching her wrong and pissing her off, even if you could talk her into letting you practice on her, trying to help her ejaculate…
Let me walk you through the techniques guaranteed to give you both the support you need when you need it most – in the very moment you get her to “yes”… and even beforehand.
These techniques are actually stages you go through in approaching her with the idea of trying to come in this new way, being totally present to her, getting educated about the intricate details of her anatomy and finally, having exactly the right information to easily hone your touch to her preferences…
All these stages are easy to learn and once you do, getting her to explode in gushing, delicious orgasmic ecstasy becomes easy and fun and you’ll never go back to your old way of lovemaking.
You’ll pick the steps right up and then both of your bodies will naturally take over.
I’ll show you how.
No more guessing.
No more wondering whether you’ll see results.
Now you can pinpoint the exact places to touch her, the exact movements and pressure, and how to work up to her liquid orgasms being second nature, rather than being doomed to be repeat the same couple of sex “scenes” for the rest of your life, like you’re stuck in a rut.
And now you don’t have to hope you’re giving her great orgasms, you will KNOW you are…
I’ve finally spelled out everything you need to know about making a woman squirt in total ecstasy and abandon in this home study course and membership site you can access right now called Female Liquid Orgasm.
This is the the program I’ve been perfecting for years to address the whole mystery of female ejaculation and I can’t wait for you to read it, listen to the audio journeys and best of all, watch the video tutorials.
When I presented this content to my first workshop participants a little while back, I was worried…
Some of the stuff I share about how a woman orgasms in this program is pretty vivid and detailed, you have to wonder: if mainstream websites aren’t teaching it, and even the way porn portrays it is different, could it be true?
Then I realized, societal prudes and the mainstream press don’t WANT you to know about this.
Many people don’t even believe women can ejaculate. Some people still think it’s pee! (it’s actually a fluid similar to what’s in your prostate)
I wondered if it would be hard for some women to believe it could be so simple.
The relief I saw in my client’s eyes as I explained what makes the content in Female Liquid Orgasm so different from the partial information and sometimes even misinformation that is in the mainstream, told me everything I needed to know – the women and their lovers who discovered what I teach walked out of my workshops either already ejaculating or seeing a clear path to their own ejaculatory pleasure and understanding the stroking techniques and emotional process in a whole new way.
I literally saw them re-energized by the outlook of my approach. They felt the seductive pull of a new way of being and began to feel tremendous hope for the future of their whole sexuality.
But I’ll stop the buildup and share with you some of the details about what’s in this home study course and membership site for you—
Here are a few of the life-altering techniques you’ll learn in this unique program about how to give any woman an ejaculatory orgasm where when she comes, it emanates from deep in her pelvis and fluid drips, squirts or gushes out of her urethra.

This is also what I teach professionally. (I know, nice work if you can get it. ;))
And here are just some of the things you are about to discover:
Exactly what to say and do so that you could easily and consistently make her ejaculate when ever she desires it.
Exactly what to say and do so that you and your partner would ALWAYS feel that being together is the most satisfying, intimate, sexy experience, even when you have challenges in other aspects of your life together… the bond that is created at this level of intimacy will carry you through thick and thin…
So much personal expertise that you started becoming a mentor for other friends who want the same pleasure. You become the go-to man or couple who shows the way for your intimate friends to expand their sexual horizons. You even have a small, private but very delicious reputation as a man who has sexual mastery! What a great fantasy! And it could easily be you, if you want it.
How to charm her G-Spot with the perfect pressure, strokes and patterns so it becomes alive with sensation and she gets the most satisfying feelings in her Yoni―like when you have poison ivy and you sneak a scratch and it’s the best itch scratch you could imagine? Only in this case it’s her orgasmic center experiencing the best climaxes that wrack her whole body with pleasure, arching her up, pointing her toes and fingers, leaving her in a breathless chasm of outer planetary orgasmic rapture.
The techniques and mental preparation I provide nurture both your and her body, mind, soul and emotion – because it’s all inter-related.
Just how to “BE,” both in body and mind, so that she can mount a continued ascent of squirting orgasms that start as a trickle and end with a roaring explosion of gushing feminine waters that have her calling out her pleasure at the crescendo of the moment – moaning with pure, physical delight and emotional connection.
you’ll understand:
- How ejaculation will actually make her love her body MORE than she does now and feel more confident about how her body looks and operates
- The way you can confidently approach her and introduce the idea of female ejaculation to her, or the way you can take her ejaculatory responses to a whole new dimension
- How to confidently execute a stroking session with explicit detail telling you exactly what to do each step of the way so she has a liquid orgasm. Here’s just a single sentence example from a multi-page routine in “FLO”: “Do it as a rocking and curving motion so that you’re finishing the stroke and when you’re making the last bit of curve, think about making contact with the legs of her clitoris as they curve around inside her vagina.”
- And, because the couples stroking exercise has a 2,482 word description… just this one practice gives you 4 1/2 pages of thorough, precise instruction you can follow word for word or integrate and riff on with your own style
- The way to get to the heart of her Yoni, finding her G-Spot
- The 2 most highly sensitive parts of the G Spot, once you accurately know the map of her anatomy
- How to blend some of the 7 different kinds of female orgasms, from clitoral to cervical and beyond
- How you can share a series of tasteful and detailed video clips of real women ejaculating that you can watch with your woman so you can both see what’s possible. This is the #1 feature of my teaching system that is unique, proprietary and accelerates your achievements easily!
- The dozen checklist tips to prepare for your ejaculatory session
- From the audio journeys where I walk you through the most important parts of the program, how I coach you through this beautiful process, your partner every step of the way
- 13 reasons women LIKE to ejaculate
- A Mind/Body Check In routine you’ll use to get started
- Insight into how to tap into your unlimited sexual potential… I’ll show you how it’s the gift that keeps on giving…
- The 5 G Spot Stimulation options
- Which of the 4 basic types of female prostates she has
- How she can pump orgasmic energy through her entire body… instead of focusing on orgasmic sensation just in her pussy, she can learn to flush out the energy throughout her entire being
- A solo hands-on exercise utilizing the blended orgasm, which is one of the most successful ways to ejaculate as well as being profoundly pleasurable
- An exercise where you observe her “clit boner”
- The language of the clit. Here’s one of many examples,
- Her beautiful anatomy with up close photos and illustrations, so you can see precisely where the G-Spot and all of her important bits are located before you head in for your exploratory journey
- 4 specific ways she can surrender…let go…unleash your power…release…explode! Part of learning to ejaculate and have explosive orgasms is about letting go of our inhibitions around making a wet spot on the bed and worrying about what our partner might think. I’ll teach you how to help her to let go
- What it takes to show her you Cherish her as you explore 27 ways you can find her G-Spot
- How to overcome any SHAME she might be harboring. Maybe she had a partner shame her because they didn’t know what happened or they thought she peed? This is common and often difficult to heal from. Many women have shut down this part of their sexuality because they were/are worried that something “wrong” happened. Because female ejaculation is not commonly acknowledged or talked about, and because there are so many misconceptions, it is not uncommon to think that there is something wrong with you when it does happen.
- Why men love squirting orgasms and specific steps to take to really light him up (share this part with her, of course!)
- How to manage the process of healing her G-Spot if she’s ever suffered any sexual trauma or shame, this is an important step which she’ll thank you for forever.
- The 3 Squirting Options and why knowing them can help you figure out exactly where you should start in your ejaculatory journey together
- 24 things you can do to dial in her blended orgasm to its ultimate height of sensation
- Answers to the most common questions I get in my workshops
- 12 Partner Intercourse techniques for ejaculating WITH (or on) your lover. Go team!
- Shallow Thrusting, Fwap Fwapping and The Man Handle — three of my favorite positions for ejaculating during intercourse
- The “Cum Hither with Clit-Oral” move — one of my personal favorites.
- Tallulah’s advice for your gal. Print an extra copy of the eBook for your bed buddy. She WILL thank you!
- An 11 step-by-step guide to Yoni Massage – a “sensual genital massage” I suggest you have daily.
- 27 slow sex warm up techniques to put all you’ve learned together and get started
- And when she is juiced up and fully engorged, give her the Middle Ring Move. Just this technique alone is priceless.
- Recommendations for the right lubes to use during different parts of the stroking patterns. Remember, it’s going to get washed off when she starts releasing her feminine waters. You need the most appropriate lubrication available and I’ll tell you what works best
- How to explore her history and perspectives as a baseline for your connection
- Ways to give her permission and encouragement so she can just “let it GO!”
- Managing the dance between force and surrender
- Personal stories from women and men who have taken the workshops and purchased the eBook or bought access to the entire collection of content in the membership site
- The 5 G-Spot Stimulation options
- The Clit/G-Spot “Dance.” Oh yeah, get down!
- Exactly what the Skene’s Glands are, where they are in her body and how they work.
- A scientific explanation of the composition of ejaculate – it’s prostatic fluid that includes (PSA) prostate-specific antigens and (PSAP) prostate- specific acid posphatase. You’ll be able to confidently defend the truth that ejaculate is not pee and sound super smart too.
- Interpretation of why the word “squirt” is a misnomer? It’s deceptive. Find out why
- Understanding how to pump up profound PC pleasure pulsations
- The best part of my teaching. I call it, “Birthing Your Orgasm.” This analogy will have her squirting in no time flat.
- What to do if she feels like she has to pee and has a fear of pushing out or wetting the bed
- And what you should do to prevent yourself from blocking her urethral opening
- Teamwork techniques for ejaculating WITH (or on) your lover. Go team!
- The “Cum Hither” move — one of my personal favorites — done the right way for maximum effect
- What it means to “Hold Space” for your partner
And too much more to list here…
You’d just get on it!
Now is your time. Make your move.
My Female Liquid Orgasm program will forever up-level your sex life.
You’ll get enough in this membership site to keep seeing results month after month as you improve your knowledge, technique and intimacy… and you’ll feel the pleasure of instant progress because of the attitude shift that comes the minute you commit to this fabulous journey.
The Men From The Boys — Are You Ready?
If you’re a man who already can reliably, predictably and confidently make any woman squirt, then this program probably isn’t necessary for you.
Or if your lover is pushing you to make her squirt, but your heart isn’t in it…
Or you’re sure you’re already fully satisfying her and yourself…
Perhaps she’s always been an amazing comer and you’re just here to make sure you’re not missing anything…
Or—this is a big one, so think carefully—you definitely have power issues that would prevent you from playing at 100% because you constantly undermine any attempt to follow instructions.
If you have read this far, you’re probably intrigued but cynical.
So… if you’re still curious and desire this level of intimacy and surrender in your lovemaking, you have nothing to lose. All the intention, attention, in the world, while unbelievably valuable, is not nearly as valuable as a comprehensive action plan.
If you’re ready to be ALL the lover you can be… then this program will show you how to rock her world by giving her multiple, earth-shattering liquid orgasms, let’s go.
It’s your time, isn’t it?
By the time you finish going through this program just once you’ll see that it makes perfect sense.
Much of what I’ll show you, you already know on an intuitive level. You just haven’t pulled it all together and, unfortunately, you’re not likely to if left to your own devices.
We all need a help at certain times in our lives. Sexuality is an incredibly complex issue, and there are advances in psychology, human potential and science that are not reported in a comprehensive and usable manner, until now.
Your New World
But that’s not the juice. Here’s the best part…
- #1. You’re going to discover that your mood, your outlook, your energy, and your health get an immediate boost because you are connecting with your woman in ways you never dreamed. (They don’t call it “cleaning out your pipes” for nuttin’, honey.)
- #2. You are SURE you are fully satisfying her sexual potential; she’s a “yes!” to ALL the sexy fantasies you’re dreaming up.
- #3. Your woman is DOUSING you with her feminine waters as you charm her G-Spot with perfect pressure, strokes and patterns as she comes in successive releases of exquisite pleasure.
- #4. Your friends are BEGGING you to share your secrets because they can tell there’s a fire raging in your sex life and they want it. Badly.
AND, - #5. You’re fulfilling one of your life purposes: “to keep growing and learning and bringing new and unparalleled pleasure to your woman and yourself.”
I want you to imagine what it’s going to feel like when all these things come together and start to gel for you with the right information, because the information accessible on this membership site teaches you both technique and how to connect with her emotionally so she’ll gladly take this ride with you.
How will you hide your self-satisfaction and suppress that elated feeling you carry with you everywhere you go?
Oh yeah, every aspect of sex is going to be better than ever once you awaken her sweet pussy to a whole new level of sensation.
You walk into a room, completely in command, a normal, interesting man who others look up to and admire, not just because of your goodness, but because…
OK. It’s time.
Time to make that your reality. I promise, this simple set of tools and me by your side will guide you each step of the way in your new tryst with life.
For You To Make Your Woman Have Liquid Orgasms
And if you’re ever worried that she’s faking it, well… she can’t fake a squirt!
I’m confident about my knowledge, the strength of the writing, the sheer quality of the content and the ability for Female Liquid Orgasm to convey to you the techniques that will make your lovers Super-Star Squirters.
This is the same information I teach in my weekend workshops that would, depending on where you live, cost nearly $500 dollars. You can have it all for less than the cost of a nice dinner for two (and I promise the sex will be better ;))
So go ahead, click above, on the ORDER tab, to immediately access the entire membership site right now. Start watching the videos. Print out the ebooks. Get started! This is simply the most comprehensive system ever made to show you how easy it is to stroke your gal into wet ecstasy!
Wishing you a huge amount of satisfaction from this new “talent.” Let me know how you and she love her squirting orgasms and send me a testimonial so I can feature your amazing story on this page!
All the Best,

Author, “Make Any Woman Squirt,” “Female Liquid Orgasm” and “Squirt Your Heart Out”
Founder, Juicy Mama Productions
Leader, “Nectar of the Goddess” and “Circle Squirt” Workshops